V 0.2 - Added functions and menus to save and load games!

A lot of work has gone into the menu in recent weeks. The latest addition was saving to a .json file and reading the data.

I chose .json because it's an easy to read format and can store data much the same format as a dictionary in Godot. Will the player be able to easily edit their saves and cheat? Yes, but that's part of the fun, isn't it?! The game will be neither online nor competitive, so that shouldn't matter.

For now the saved game files store the last scene (level) that the player was in, their current and max health, and which spears they have unlocked. I'll need to add more data to them for quests completed, items picked up etc. but I can add that as I go along.

The menu updates the scene dynamically as the player moves the mouse or changes the focus of the saved game slot buttons. Different spears appear on the weapon rack on the left and health is displayed on the obelisk on the right.

Necessary additions:

Warn the player before overwriting a save and require confirmation (perhaps through a popup dialogue box)

More work on the backend to check that saved game files are valid and won't cause the game to crash during play.

The ability to delete saves (although isn't entirely necessary since saves can be overwritten anyway)

Other ideas under consideration:

Save the current biome and dynamically change the tileset in the menu to display the player's current location in the game world.

Save the play time and display that, providing more information about the progress of each save slot.


linux_executable.zip 31 MB
Jun 08, 2021
windows_executable.zip 30 MB
Jun 08, 2021

Get Project Zero: Solastalgia

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